Faculty of Agriculture Environment and Food Systems Liaison Page
Welcome to the University of Zimbabwe Library Faculty Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems Liaison Page. The Liaison page has been designed to assist students in the students and academics in the Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems faculty with academic activities associated with teaching, learning, research, community service, innovation and industrialisation. The Subject Information Specialist (SIS) for Faculty of Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems plays a key role in liaison between the faculty, students and the library. SIS’s fundamental task is to synchronise communication between the faculty with the Library to ensure seamless support for Faculty endeavours related to the university’s mission and goals. Listed are e-books, e-journals, open access resources, training services, theses and referencing and citation. You are welcome to navigate these via the tabs above.
Subject Information Specialist
Darlington Musemburi
Email – dmusemburi@uzlib.uz.ac.zw
Cell – +263772446434
Where to find us?
Stackroom 2
Main Library
University of Zimbabwe
Book an appointment
Below are the links to the various e-book databases that you can access to:
Statistical Process Control for the Food Industry: A Guide for Practitioners and Managers
North American Agroforestry: An Integrated Science and Practice, 2nd edition : Agroforestry Product Markets and Marketing
Aquaculture Marketing Handbook
Marketing Plans: How to Prepare Them, How to Use Them, Seventh Edition
Challenges and Strategies of Dryland Agriculture
Site‐Specific Management for Agricultural Systems
Formulating, Packaging, and Marketing of Natural Cosmetic Products
Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics: Macroscale Economic and Policy Influences on the Sustainability of Tropical Agriculture
Marketing strategies and planning for successful aquaculture businesses: Seafood and Aquaculture Marketing Handbook, Second Edition
Activating Alternatives in Public Market Trade: The Resilience of Urban Fresh Food Provisioning in Baguio, the Philippines
- Lynne Milgram
The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture
Managing Systems at Risk
Beyond Food Production: The Role of Agriculture in Poverty Reduction
Globalisation, Agriculture and Development Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific
The Craft and Science of Coffee
Emerging Technologies and Management of Crop Stress Tolerance: Volume 2 – a Sustainable Approach
Emerging Technologies and Management of Crop Stress Tolerance: Volume 1-Biological Techniques
Improving and Tailoring Enzymes for Food Quality and Functionality
Integrated Pest Management: Current Concepts and Ecological Perspective
Breeding Oilseed Crops for Sustainable Production: Opportunities and Constraints
GATT Agricultural Policy Reform : a United States Perspective”, Martimort, D. (Ed.) Agricultural Markets
Building Gender Research Capacity for Non-Specialists: Lessons and Best Practices from Gender Short Courses for Agricultural Researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Contesting Animal Experiments through Ethics and Epistemology: In Defense of a Political Critique of Animal Experimentation
Sustainable Development in Western China: Managing People, Livestock and Grasslands in Pastoral Areas
Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
GCB Bioenergy
Agricultural Economics
Current Science
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
European Food and Feed Law Review
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Sustainable development
International journal of production economics
Journal of agricultural and resource economics
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization
Anthropology of food
Scientific reports
Plant production science
Plant science (Limerick)
Scientia horticulture
Journal of the science of food and agriculture
Industrial crops and products
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
The Crop journal
Soil science
Soil biology & biochemistry
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
Plant, soil and environment
European journal of soil science
Canadian journal of soil science
Journal of crop improvement
Genome biology
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research ++ continued by Crop and Pasture Science
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Environmental Health Perspectives
CAB Reviews
Agricultural Sciences
Environmental modelling & software : with environment data news
Journal of Agricultural & Food Information
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
Environmental Health Perspectives
EFSA Journal
Ecology & Evolution
The Australian Quarterly
Scientific American
Science Progress in the Twentieth Century
Faculty of Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems Specific Resources
The following databases contain e-journal and e-books for the Faculty of Agriculture Environment and Food Systems. There are accessible via the UZ website. You visit the address (https://library.uz.ac.zw) and then under e-resources you click Campus Access or off campus access when you are not within the university campus/ or the university internet network. You be able to access e-books and e-journals available from the University. Click on any of the databases in order to start accessing e-journals and e-books.
E-journal Databases | E-book Databases |
CABI Animal Health and Production Compendium |
For remote access please log in here: https://uz.remotexs.co
The Subject Information Specialist offers following training services to students and academic staff;
- Reference Management – referencing, citation and use of electronic reference management software Mendeley and discipline specific citation styles.
- Literature discovery– identifying research topics; planning and performing a literature review; running effective searches using e-resources and staying up to date with chosen research topic.
- Tools for research Collaboration– using writing collaborative tools such as Google Docs, literature searching collaborative tools like Mendeley, ResearchGate and Academia and using tools for connecting with other researchers.
- Research Impact tracking– Use of citations and alternative metrics to track research impact using tools such as Google Citations and Social Media metrics
- Strategies to increase research visibility and discoverability– how to increase the visibility of research outputs through the use of institutional repositories; sharing preprints, establishing online researcher profiles and using social media for research.
- Publishing in reputable journals– selecting a book publisher and selecting a journal, differentiating predatory, accredited journals, and Open Access routes to getting research output more visible and citable.
- Research Communication– the training equips researchers on how to communicate their research to a broader audience so as to achieve optimum impact of research findings. It also explores the various ways in which research can be shared.
Available trainings can be booked here: https://forms.gle/zkeJRkE1JphNG92f7
How to find Education theses and dissertations in University of Zimbabwe Libraries.
Masters and doctoral theses from the Faculty of Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems that have been submitted to UZ Library are available electronically through the UZ escholar Institutional repository. They can be located by searching the institutional repository using this link https://ir.uz.ac.zw/handle/10646/741
Other UZ theses can also be found through searching the repository by issue date, author, title and subject. Alternatively use a community search including the title of the community for example “Faculty of Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems “.
Please note that, UZ Libraries does not keep Undergraduate theses although departments often keep their own copies but these are not reflected in the Libraries’ catalogue.
Referencing and Citation
Academic student are expected to advance knowledge by building on the work of other people but in a manner that is honest and accurate in creating and communicating all academic products (Academic Integrity).
Referencing is the system or technique you use to acknowledge that you have used other authors’ ideas, information, written materials books or journal articles in writing up your assignments or projects. Acknowledgement of other people’s work must be done in a way that does not leave the reader in any doubt as to whose work it is. Referencing is also a method used to demonstrate that you have conducted a comprehensive and appropriate literature search and reading.
There are two parts: citing, and the reference list.
It includes the bibliography that you compile at the end of your essay or assignment, and it enables you to refer to, or quote from, other people’s work without being guilty of plagiarism. It also enables you or the person reading your work, to go back and find the articles you consulted.
Referencing shows evidence of background reading and to support the content and conclusions in your writing. All sources used should be acknowledged in the text of your document, called in-text citations.
The Reference list is an alphabetically arranged list of the items you have cited in your essay. A bibliography includes items used to prepare your assignment, but not necessarily cited. All items should be listed alphabetically by author or authorship, regardless of format (print/electronic/audio-visual).
Referencing enables you to refer to, or borrow from, the work of other individuals without being accused of plagiarism. Plagiarism involves the use of someone else’s creative works such as research, writings and ideas and presenting them as your own. This is a dishonest act and considered a serious offence by the University of Zimbabwe. To avoid plagiarism, it is important to provide proper citation and referencing of the sources used in scholarly work.
Faculty of Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems uses Harvard Citation Style
Quick guide to Harvard referencing (Cite Them Right) for provided on how to cite using Harvard style.
For individual or group sessions on using the citation style, book an appointment with a Subject Information Specialist on the email provided below.
Online Reference Management
Training on the use of open reference management software Mendeley to manage referencing and citation is offered to the students and faculty staff by the Subject Information Specialist. Mendeley reference manager and academic social network can help you to create & manage citations, organize your research, collaborate with others online, find relevant papers based on what you are reading and discover the latest research.
For training you can book an appointment on any of the emails provided below
Faculty of Agriculture Environment and Food Systems
![]() | Agricultural Development and Food Security in Africa: The Impact of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian Investments (Africa Now) New ed. Edition by RenuModi, FantuCheru2013 The subject of food security and land issues in Africa has become one of increased importance and contention over recent years. In particular, the focus has shifted to the role new global South donors – especially India, China and Brazil – are playing in shaping African agriculture through their increased involvement and investment in the continent. Topical and comprehensive, Agricultural Development and Food Security in Africa offers fresh insight into a set of relationships that will shape both Africa and the world over the coming decades.
![]() | Agricultural Development Policy: Concepts and Experiences by Roger D. Norton, 2005 Prepared under the aegis of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), this text presents a fresh and comprehensive look at agricultural development policy. It provides a clear, systematic review of important classes of policy issues in developing countries and discusses the emerging international consensus on viable approaches to the issues. The text is unique in its coverage and depth and it: · Summarises hundreds of references on agricultural development policies · Cites policy experiences and applied studies in more than 70 countries · Provides guidance for policy makers giving examples of successes and failures · Reviews issues related to the formulation of strategies and the requirements for making them successful · Develops the conceptual foundations and illustrates policies that have worked, and some that have not, with explanations Topics covered include agriculture’s role in economic development, the objectives and strategies of agricultural policy, linkages between macroeconomic and agricultural policy, policies for the agricultural financial system and agricultural technology development. Upper level undergraduates taking courses in Economic Development and International Development and graduates taking courses in Agricultural Development, International and Economic Development, Natural Resource Management and specialised topics in agriculture will find this text of great interest. It also serves as a reference for professionals and researchers in the field of International Development.
![]() | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity A Planet in Peril by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Felix Dodds, 2011
This book provides an authoritative and comprehensive assessment of the threats presented to human security and well-being by the loss of ecosystems and biodiversity – recently confirmed as one of the critical ‘planetary boundaries’ that has already been exceeded. Contributors examine the current trends and state of biodiversity globally, the drivers of biodiversity loss including climate change and economic and population pressures, and the mechanisms and policies needed for conserving and restoring biodiversity in the future. Strong emphasis is placed throughout on the fundamental importance of placing a realistic economic value on nature and the services that ecosystems provide if we are to manage our natural resources successfully; and also on the crucial role of international institutions and government policies achieving this goal. As the recent high-profile meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, underlined, the scale and pace of the destruction of natural habitats and species imperil us all.
![]() | Economics of Agricultural Development: World Food Systems and Resource Use (Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics) 3rd Edition by George W. Norton, Jeffrey Alwang, William A. Masters, 2014. Economics of Agricultural Development examines the causes, severity, and effects of poverty, population growth, and malnutrition in developing countries. It discusses potential solutions to these problems, progress made in many countries in recent years, and the implications of globalization for agriculture, poverty, and the environment. Topics covered in the book include: · Means for utilizing agricultural surpluses to further overall economic development · The sustainability of the natural resource environment · Gender issues in relation to agriculture and resource use · The contribution of agricultural technologies · The importance of agricultural and macroeconomic policies as related to development and trade, and the successes and failures of such policies · Actions to encourage more rapid agricultural and economic development
![]() | Environmental Instrumentation and Analysis Handbook 1st Edition by Randy D. Down and Jay H. Lehr, 2005.
A comprehensive resource for information about different technologies and methods to measure and analyze contamination of air, water, and soil.
![]() | Environmental science for environmental management / edited by Timothy O’Riordan, 2014. Environmental Science for Environmental Management has quickly established itself as the leading introduction to environmental science, demonstrating how a more environmental science can create an effective approach to environmental management on different spatial scales. Since publication of the first edition, environmentalism has become an increasing concern on the global political agenda. Following the Rio Conference and meetings on population, social justice, women, urban settlement and oceans, civil society has increasingly promoted the cause of a more radical agenda, ranging from rights to know, fair trade, social empowerment, social justice and civil rights for the oppressed, as well as novel forms of accounting and auditing.
![]() | Food Processing Technology :Principles and Practice 3rd Edition P.J Fellows, 2009.
The first edition of Food processing technology was quickly adopted as the standard text by many food science and technology courses. This completely revised and updated third edition consolidates the position of this textbook as the best single-volume introduction to food manufacturing technologies available. This edition has been updated and extended to include the many developments that have taken place since the second edition was published. In particular, advances in microprocessor control of equipment, ‘minimal’ processing technologies, functional foods, developments in ‘active’ or ‘intelligent’ packaging, and storage and distribution logistics are described. Technologies that relate to cost savings, environmental improvement or enhanced product quality are highlighted. Additionally, sections in each chapter on the impact of processing on food-borne micro-organisms are included for the first time.
![]() | Fundamentals of Weed Science 4th Edition by Robert L. Zimdahl 2013 This book addresses herbicides and their use as an important aspect of modern weed management and strives to place them in an ecological framework. Many weed scientists believe agriculture is a continuing struggle with weeds–without good weed control, good and profitable agriculture is impossible. Each agricultural discipline sees itself as central to agriculture’s success and continued progress, and weed science is no exception. While not denying the importance of weed management to successful agriculture, this book places it in a larger ecological context. The roles of culture, economics, and politics in weed management are also discussed, enabling scientists and students to understand the larger effects on society.
![]() | Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops by Adel A. Kedar, 2002. The Third Edition of the University of California’s definitive manual on postharvest technology has been completely updated and expanded. Five new chapters cover consumer issues in quality and safety, preharvest factors affecting fruit and vegetable quality, waste management and cull utilization, safety factors, and processing methods. A new appendix presents a summary of optimal conditions and the potential storage life of 200 fruits and vegetables. Edited by Adel Kader and written by 22 authors, including UC researchers, specialists, and faculty along with leading industry experts, the third edition weighs in at 535 pages |
![]() | Soil mechanics in engineering practice / Karl Terzaghi, Ralph B. Peck, GholamrezaMesri 1996
This book is one of the best-known and most respected books in geotechnical engineering. In its third edition, it presents both theoretical and practical knowledge of soil mechanics in engineering. It features expanded coverage of vibration problems, mechanics of drainage, passive earth pressure, and consolidation.
![]() | Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis Edited By M.R. Carter, E.G. Gregorich, 2008. Thoroughly updated and revised, this second edition of the bestselling Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis presents several new chapters in the areas of biological and physical analysis and soil sampling. Reflecting the burgeoning interest in soil ecology, new contributions describe the growing number and assortment of new microbiological techniques, describe in-depth methods, and demonstrate new tools that characterize the dynamics and chemistry of soil organic matter and soil testing for plant nutrients. A completely new section devoted to soil water reviews up-to-date field- and laboratory-based methods for saturated and unsaturated soil hydraulic properties. Retaining the easy-to-follow, “cookbook” style of the original, this second edition provides a compilation of soil analytical techniques that are fast, straightforward, and relatively easy-to-use. Heavily referenced, peer-reviewed contributions from approximately 150 specialists make this a practical manual and resource handbook that describes a wide array of methods, both conventional and cutting-edge, for analyzing the chemical, biological, biochemical, and physical properties of many different soil types. Including several “primer” chapters that cover the overall principles and concepts behind the latest techniques, the book presents sufficient detail on the materials and procedures to characterize the potential and limitation of each method. It covers recent improvements in methodology, outlines current methods, and characterizes the best methods available for selecting the appropriate analysis technique.
![]() | Economics of Agricultural Development: World Food Systems and Resource Use (Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics) 3rd Edition by George W. Norton, Jeffrey Alwang, William A. Masters, 2014. Economics of Agricultural Development examines the causes, severity, and effects of poverty, population growth, and malnutrition in developing countries. It discusses potential solutions to these problems, progress made in many countries in recent years, and the implications of globalization for agriculture, poverty, and the environment. Topics covered in the book include: · Means for utilizing agricultural surpluses to further overall economic development · The sustainability of the natural resource environment · Gender issues in relation to agriculture and resource use · The contribution of agricultural technologies · The importance of agricultural and macroeconomic policies as related to development and trade, and the successes and failures of such policies · Actions to encourage more rapid agricultural and economic development
Featured books in our Print collection
Agronomy for development : the politics of knowledge in agricultural research / edited by James Sumberg
Call Number S596.7 AGR |
Ecosystem services: from biodiversity to society. Part 1 edited by Guy Woodward, David A. Bohan
Call Number: QH540 ECO