Dr Agnes Chikonzo is the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Librarian. She holds a PhD Degree in Information Science from the University of Pretoria, a Master of Library & Information Science (MLIS,) from the University of Botswana (UB) where she was awarded the Indian High Commissioner’s Prize for the Best Student and Student of Good Conduct in the Faculty of Humanities. She also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Library & Information Science from the same University which she passed with a Distinction and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Zimbabwe.
In her time as University Librarian, she has had opportunity to lead the University of Zimbabwe Library team as it continues to explore new avenues for information delivery. As a result, the UZ Library has maintained its position as a Leading Library in the country.
Her research interests pertain particularly to Information Communication Technologies and Libraries. She has therefore published articles on Information Communication Technologies in International Journals. In addition to this, she has also published articles on other research topics, i.e. Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour and HIV and AIDS and has contributed to book chapters.
She has presented papers at International Conferences such as Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA), Medical Library Association (MLA), Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) and International Federation of Library Associations and Institutes (IFLA).
In 2009 IGI Global honoured Mrs. Chikonzo with an award in recognition of remarkable and extraordinary commitment to the utilization and understanding of technological resources within the academic and research communities.
In 2011, the Librarian was elected to serve on the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Africa Section Standing Committee. IFLA is the Leading International body representing the interests of Library and Information Services and their users. It is the global voice of the Library and Information profession. It aims to promote high standards of provision and delivery of library and information services as well as encourage widespread understanding of the value of good library & information services.
In her time as University Librarian, she continues to explore cutting edge mechanisms to enhance service delivery in response to the ever changing information environment and demands of the UZ academic and research community.
KUSEKWA L, MUNYORO J and CHIKONZO A. C. (2016) “Partnerships for broadening access to information: the case of University of Zimbabwe Library, IFLA Library, Available online at: http://www.ifla.org
CHIKONZO Agnes C (2015) “Equipping African library leaders for 21st century librarianship” chapter in “The future of libraries in Africa: The New African Librarian: Perspectives from the Continent” / edited by Buhle Mbambo-Thata, Jenny Raubenheimer and Gerhard van der Linde, Available online at: http://unisapress.bookslive.co.za/blog/2016/07/07/the-future-of-libraries-in-africa-the-new-african-librarian-perspectives-from-the-continent/
MUZIRINGA M, and CHIKONZO, A.C. (2015) “International trends in health science librarianship part 13: Southern Africa (South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe).” Health Information & Libraries Journal 32, no. 1: 67-72.
CHIKONZO, A.C., BOTHMA T. J. D., KUSEKWA L. & MUSHOWANI A. (2014) “An Assessment of the Changing Needs of Information Professionals in Zimbabwe”, The African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science (AJLAIS), 24 (1), 107-118.
CHIKONZO, A.C. (2013) “Capacity Building for the Adoption and Implementation of Open Access Policies and Open Access Repositories in Zimbabwe”, Available online at: http://www.eifl.net/eifl-oa-case-studies .
CHIKONZO, A.C. & MALAPELA T. (2011) “Information Sources, chapter in Finding, Organizing and Using Health Information: a Training Manual for Students, Researchers and Health Workers in Africa”, Bethesda: National Library of Medicine.
CHIKONZO, A.C. & HAPANYENGWI, G. (2009) “Enhancing Access to Local Content: a case study of the University of Zimbabwe Institutional Repository”, Link, December.
CHIKONZO, A.C. (2007) ” Digital Health Sciences Information, chapter in Building a Digital Library at the University of Zimbabwe: a celebration of Teamwork and Collaboration” / edited by Buhle Mbambo-Thata, Oxford: International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), 2007. Available online at: http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/PDF/Outputs/Peri/Zimbabwe_DigLib_book_Web.pdf
CHIKONZO, A.C. (2006) “The Potential of Information and Communication Technologies in Collecting, Preserving and Disseminating Indigenous Knowledge in Africa”, The International Information & Library Review (2006) Vol. 38. Available online at: www.sciencedirect.com
CHIKONZO, A.C. (2005) “Librarians and the Use of Information Communication Technologies in the Provision of HIV/AIDS information in Developing Countries”, Available online at: http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/101e_chikonzo.pdf
CHIKONZO, A.C. and AINA, L.O. (2001) “The Information Environment of Veterinary Researchers at the University of Zimbabwe”, International Information and Library Review. Vol. 33 (1) 97-111.
CHIKONZO, A.C. and AINA, L.O. (2001) “Information Needs and Sources of Information used by Veterinary Students at the University of Zimbabwe”, Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 46 (1 & 2) 24- 28.