
Welcome to the University of Zimbabwe Library Faculty of Education liaison page. This page has been designed to assist and guide students and staff with information that will support activities associated with teaching, learning, research, community service, innovation and industrialization.  The Information Subject Specialist for the Faculty plays a key role in liaison between the Faculty, students and the library. Listed are e-books, e-journals, open access resources, training services, theses, and referencing and citation. You can use this guide to explore resources relating to Education by using the above tabs to find library resources and services.

If you have any questions about the library or need any assistance in finding the

Information you need, please contact me on:



Location: Faculty of Education Library

You can access e-books on education via the UZ library website. You click ( and then under e-resources you click  Campus access. This will give you two options access to e-books and access to e-journals. Click e-books. Below is a selection of databases recommended for topics related to  Education.The databases provide access to both electronic books as well as electronic journals. You can choose to search for book collections only: If you are off campus you select off campus option.


Ebsco e-Books 

Wiley Online Library

Proquest EBook Central   (formerly Ebrary)



There are relevant   e- journals to education. Which are accessible via the UZ website . You click ( and then under e-resources you click Campus access. This will give you two options access to e-books and access to e-journals. Click e-journals. Below is a selection of databases recommended for topics related to Education.

African Journals Online (AJOL)
EBSCO Host Research Databases
Taylor and Francis Journals
Wiley online library (Humanities and Social Sciences)

Resource Brief Description
CORE ORE ( aims to aggregate all open access research and facilitate unrestricted access to research. It allows users to check more than 66 million open access articles.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) DOAJ ( is a “community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.”
EBSCO Open Dissertations ( is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs that brings an innovative approach to increasing traffic and discoverability of ETD research.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) DOAJ ( is a “community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.”
Elsevier Open Access Journals Elsevier Open Access Journals ( provides peer reviewed articles published in open access journals by Elsevier.
Google Scholar Google Scholar ( provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts.

Training services Tab


  1. Reference Management-referencing, citation and use of electronic reference management software Mendeley and discipline specific citation styles.


  1. Literature discovery– identifying research topics; planning and performing a literature review; running effective searches using e-resources and staying up to date with chosen research topic.


  1. Tools for research Collaboration– using writing collaborative tools such as Google Docs, literature searching collaborative tools like Mendeley, ResearchGate and Academia and using tools for connecting with other researchers.


  1. Research Impact tracking– Use of citations and alternative metrics to track research impact using tools such as Google Citations and Social Media metrics


  1. Strategies to increase research visibility and discoverability– how to increase the visibility of research outputs through the use of institutional repositories; sharing preprints, establishing online researcher profiles and using social media for research.


  1. Publishing in reputable journals– selecting a book publisher and selecting a journal, differentiating predatory, accredited journals, and Open Access routes to getting research output more visible and citable.


  1. Research Communication– the training equips researchers on how to communicate their research to a broader audience so as to achieve optimum impact of research findings. It also explores the various ways in which research can be shared.


Available trainings can be booked here:

Masters and doctoral theses from the Faculty of Education that have been submitted to Library are available in the Faculty of Education Library and online through the University of Zimbabwe Institutional Repository (UZ eScholar).

You can also use the direct link to the University of Zimbabwe e-Theses.

The use of appropriate referencing and citation techniques is encouraged for students, researchers and staff so that they can achieve academic integrity by adhering to standards of academic writing and avoiding plagiarism.

The Education Faculty uses the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. APA Style covers the aspects of scholarly writing most pertinent to writing in behavioural and social sciences, education, nursing, business, communications, engineering, and related fields (American Psychological Association [APA], 2021)

Visit the link below for an introduction to APA referencing style:

For individual or group sessions on using the citation style, book an appointment with the Subject Information Specialist on the email:


Online Reference Management

Students and staff can receive training on using Mendeley from Faculty Subject Information Specialist.  Mendeley is an open source reference management software used to manage to manage referencing and citation. With Mendeley Reference Manager you can store, organise and search all your references from just one library.

This reference manager and academic social network, collaborate with others online, find relevant papers based on what you are reading and discover the latest research.

Visit the following link for a guide on how to use Mendeley


Getting started with Mendeley video tutorial is also available on YouTube for your assistance.

For training you can book an appointment on the email provided below:

Featured books in our Print collection




The SAGE handbook of philosophy of education edited by Richard Bailey, Robin Barrow, David Carr and Christine McCarthy


Call Number: LB17 SAG



Teaching Behavior: Managing classrooms through effective instruction by Terrance M Scott



Call Number: LB3013 SCO



Philosophical foundations of adult education by John l Elias and Sharan B Merriam


Call Number: LC5219 ELI




Learning theories simplified by Bob Bates




Call Number: LB14.7 BAT





Youth in the liberation struggle and beyond by SARDC, SADC and


Call Number: DT30.5 UNE



Mathematics explained for primary teachers by Derek Haylock with Ralph Manning


Call Number: QA135.6 HAY




Reflecting on reflective practices : Ideas for innovative teachers by Roswitta Gatsi, Oliver Mavundutse and Artwell Mamvuto


Call Number: LB1066 GAT




Professional studies in primary education edited by Hilary Cooper


Call Number: LB1556.7 PRO



Faculty specific Resources

Faculty of Education

Below are faculty specific resources i.e.  e- Journals and e-books that are available and accessible via the University of Zimbabwe library website.  Visit the link to view and use the resources.

Click on any of the databases listed in order to start accessing e-journals and e-books available for the Faculty Education.

E-journal Databases E-book Databases


Access To Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI)

Wiley Online Library

Project Muse


Taylor & Francis

World Bank eLibrary

World Bank Africa Development Indicators



Wiley Online Library

Project Muse


Ebsco e-Books

Gale Research Complete

Proquest e-Book Central


For remote access please log in here:

Faculty of Education Core Text Books
African Philosophy of Education Reconsidered: On being human (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education)/  Waghid, Yusef .2014 Call number: LA1501 WAGYusefWaghid argues for an African philosophy of education guided by communitarian, reasonable and culture dependent action in order to bridge the conceptual and practical divide between African ethno-philosophy and ‘scientific’ African philosophy. Unlike those who argue that African philosophy of education cannot exist because it does not invoke reason, or that reasoned African philosophy of education is just not possible, Waghid suggests an African philosophy of education constituted by reasoned, culture-dependent action. 
Constructivist Instruction: Success or Failure? by Sigmund Tobias and Thomas M. Duffy 2009Call number: LB1590.3 CONConstructivist theories and practice now dominate the fields of the learning sciences, instructional technology, curriculum and teaching, and educational psychology, they have also been the subject of sharp criticism regarding sparse research support and adverse research findings. This volume presents: the evidence for and against constructivism; the challenges from information-processing theorists; and commentaries from leading researchers
Curriculum studies handbook- the next moment / edited by Erik L. Malewski.  2010 
Education and Gender Equality Edited By Julia Wrigley 1995


Handbook on Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in Higher Education/ Edited by  Secolsky, Charles  and Denison, D. Brian2012  
Management Skills in Schools: A Resource for School LeadersJeff Jones. 2014
Call number: LB2806.3 JON

The skills required to be an effective team leader in schools are many and varied, but personal management skills lie at the heart of getting the best from those that make up the team. This book is about how team leaders can contribute to overall school improvement and is intended to be a resource for those who lead and manage teams–at all levels–within schools. 

Rural Development: a Geographical Perspective/Hoggart, Keith and Buller, Henry. 1987Call number: HN49.C6 HOGThis book, originally published in 1987, provides an integrative, analytical approach to rural areas in advanced economies. Causation and the consequences of societal change have been emphasised, in a framework which draws out processes which operate at different geographical scales (and with varying intensities across space). 
Sociology of Education: a Critical Reader /edited by  Sadovnik, Alan R 2007Call number: LC191.2 SOC The Critical Reader examines the most pressing topics in sociology and education while exposing students to examples of sociological research on schools. Drawing from classic and contemporary scholarship, noted sociologist Alan R. Sadovnik has chosen readings that examine current issues and reflect diverse theoretical approaches to studying the effects of schooling and society. 
Special Educational Needs: A Guide for Inclusive Practice Edited by Lindsay Peer and Gavin Reid. 2016 Call number: LC4704 PEECovering contemporary policy issues, perspectives from practice and a range of common syndromes and barriers Special Educational Needs presents a wealth of information and guidance for students and professionals on how to achieve effective, inclusive practice.This comprehensive course text is ideal for students, teachers, practitioners and specialists, and provides a solid foundation for understanding and supporting learners with additional needs 
Supervision That Improves Teaching and Learning: Strategies and Techniques by  Sullivan, Susan and Jeffrey Glanz. 2013   Call number: LB2806.4 SUL
This book offers a plan for improved classroom practice through the supervisory process. It includes hands-on practices for developing a personalized supervision strategy, research-based and empirically tested strategies, field-tested tools and techniques for qualitative and quantitative observation, a comprehensive resource of traditional and alternative supervisory structures, and reproducible summary sheets, observation cards, and crib cards. 
Teaching Africa: Towards a Transgressive Pedagogy by George J. Sefa Dei. 2012. Call number: LB1727.A35 DEIDei produced in this powerful volume, Teaching Africa, the same type of close reasoning that has given him credibility in the anti-racist struggle in education. Sustaining the case for the democratization of education and the revising of the pedagogical method to include Indigenous knowledge are the twin pillars of his style. A key component of this new science of pedagogy is the crusade against any form of hegemonic education where one group of people assumes that they are the masters of everyone else. 
The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development by Malcolm S. Knowles, Richard A. Swanson. 2012

Call number:LC5225.L42 KNO

This book examines the core principles of adult learning and the roots of andragogy, advances in adult learning, and practice in adult learning. The following are among the topics discussed in the book’s 20 chapters: importance of learning theory; theories of learning (concept of part and whole models of development, theories based on elemental and holistic models); andragogy as a theory of adult learning (contributions from the social sciences and adult education). 

The Changing Politics of Education: Privatization and the Dispossessed Lives Left Behind/Fabricant, Michael andFine, Michelle 2013Call number:  LB2806.36 FABThe authors persuasively argue that the present cascade of reforms to public education is a consequence of a larger intention to shrink government. The startling result is that more of public education’s assets and resources are moving to the private sector and to the prison industrial complex. Drawing on various forms of evidence-structural, economic, narrative, and youth-generated participatory research-the authors reveal new structures and circuits ofdispossession and privilege that amount to a clear failure of present policy.