The Faculty of Education Library is a branch of the University of Zimbabwe Library, offering a wide range of information resources and services to support the research needs of the University’s staff and students. It is situated on the ground floor of the Faculty of Education building.
Research Support
Conducting research can be a challenging and complex process, especially for those just starting out. The Education Library offers specialized support for scholars at the postgraduate level and beyond. Research support is available at various stages of the research life cycle through the following services:
- Selective Dissemination of Information
- Literature Search
- Support for Citation Managers:
- Mendeley
- Zotero
UZ Library e-Resources
The UZ Library provides a wide range of electronic resources which are accessible via the Library website:
e-Books and e-Journals:
Students and researchers have access to multidisciplinary e-Book and e-Journal databases such as EBSCO EBooks, ARDI, JSTOR, Project Muse, Taylor and Francis Journals and Wiley. Patrons can access electronic resources both on campus and off campus. The Libraryalso offers training on how to access electronic resources. E-Resources are accessible through the following links:
Campus Access:
Off Campus Access:
e-Thesis and Dissertations:
The Education Library houses the hard copies of thesis and dissertations by postgraduate. Soft copies accessible on the UZ Institutional Repository via
Print Information Resources
The Education Library houses an impressive collection of print resources that are pertinent to all spheres of the Education fraternity and practice. Users can search for the available resources on the Library Online Public Access Catalogue:
The information resources can be categorised as follows:
Open Shelf Books
Core textbook Collection
Reference Books
Visit to see the borrowing periods
University of Zimbabwe Main Campus, ground floor, Faculty of Education Building
Mt. Pleasant
Contact Information
Telephone: +263 4 303211
Contact Persons:
Mrs S. Moyosvi
Mr J Chiza
The Faculty of Education Library is open to University of Zimbabwe students and members of staff.
Monday- Thursday: 0800hrs- 1630hrs
Friday: 0800hrs – 1600hrs
Closed for lunch during vacation from 1245hrs – 1400hrs
Weekends: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
Physical Services
- Access to computing resources
- Using the Library space for quiet study
- Searching for and finding information in the Library
- Borrowing and returning print resources
Mrs. Sandra Moyosvi
Subject Information Specialist