The Kugona-Ukwenelisa: Journal of Science, Technology and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Development (KU-JSTEED) is a biannual publication inspired by the heritage-based Education 5.0 Philosophy as a new paradigm for an education purposed to deliver goods and services that meet the development aspirations of individuals, communities, and nations. KU-JSTEED harnesses and communicates the finest science, technology, and innovations at local, national, regional, and global scales to develop science- and technology-based solutions, advance sustainable socio-ecological, industrial, and business ecosystem development, and improve the quality of life. KU-JSTEED fosters critical thinking and cutting-edge research to build knowledge through science and innovation, and bring value for evidence-based knowledge. Enquiries can be directed to the proxy Editor-in-Chief through the following email address:  KU-JSTEED accepts article or paper submissions through the same email address during submission timelines defined by circulated calls for papers.